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White Rose Bouquet


Thank you for choosing to shop at The Flower Cafe, we appreciate each and everyone of you. We look forward to being of service to you!  Rest assured we are here to make your sentiments floral.

Pre-book your Women's Day flowers!

Flower Delivery Service Just For You

We try to provide round-the-clock customer service, to you our valued customer.  Browse through our collections and take your pick! 

Please note:

  • Same day orders close at 1pm daily.

  • Sunday deliveries must be made by Saturday 12pm and indicated as such 

  • Website pricing is in USD.

  • Out of town deliveries must be made at least 48 hours prior to the preferred delivery date of delivery

  •  If making you're an order within Zambia, please press the link below.  For international purchases, please continue to the various collections.


Excellent service!!!! Ordering precess was so convenient and delivery on time.

Bonga Mkhize / South Africa

Lovely everything flowers fresh everything as requested. Highly recommended and so far definitely the best in Lusaka .

Caroline Linehan  / USA

Very prompt and professional service I would highly recommend using them, flower quality impeccable.......Zambia's best

Marcg  / USA

Flowers were beautifully arranged and service exceeded expectation

Kudzi Nyagweta / Zambia


MONDAY - FRIDAY 09:00 - 16:00 

SATURDAY 09:00 - 13:00

SUNDAY Closed 


No. 29 Nalikwanda Road, Woodlands

Lusaka, Zambia 10101 | +260968673777


©2024 by The Flower Cafe.

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